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Does your website suffer from a high bounce rate?

A bounce rate reflects how quickly your visitors leave your site after arriving at it. So the less time they spend on your website, the higher your bounce rate will be.

The rate, as a measurement, is the percentage of visitors who leave your site after seeing only one page.

So for example, if you have an 80% bounce rate, then 80% of the visitors to your site leave after seeing only one page. For most website owners, this one page is normally the homepage or landing page since this is usually the link that is shared most often. Do you know what your bounce rate is? To find out your bounce rate, log in to Google Analytics and check.

Here are some tips to help you improve your rate. Continue reading


We often share hints and tips on SEO and internet marketing tactics that reap great results. We thought it would be helpful to also share some of the marketing faux pas that we see regularly, but that simply do not work.

Buying likes and followers – This is regarded as cheating, and a black hat technique. And yet, there are still many companies that pay to have their following or likes on social media increased. It is not illegal for a company to offer services like this, but the customer could easily be realised if found out. And in our opinion, the risk to the good name of the brand is a price that is far too high to pay. Question any marketing service which offers you this type of service as a way to succeed online. They are not marketing professionals and do not understand how true SEO works. Continue reading

blcak hat

You will have heard of Black Hat techniques. They are the less than honest ways some companies attempt to boost their rankings on the search engines. Here is a list of some of the most widely used and widely noticed black hat tactics you should always avoid.

Unrelated keywords are a no-no. Using unrelated keywords to gather more hits is regarded as a black hat technique. Using celebrity names and brand names in a way that has no relevance to your content will only serve to diminish the perception of your company and the content you share. Keywords should only be chosen when they are relevant to your company and are what potential customers are searching for.

Stuffing and stacking keywords is just another form of spamming. This is when keywords a repeated many times within the content in an unnatural way. Being repetitive with different combinations of the same words is also seen as stuffing. Don’t do it. The Google bots will spot it and your readers will not appreciate it. In the long run, it will not have the positive effect you were hoping for. Your content should have logical structure with proper paragraphs and sentences. Continue reading


Yes! The way we use the internet has changed since smart phones became popular. Millions of people use their phones to access the internet every day. In fact, for many, tablets and mobile phones form the primary tool of accessing the internet. And people of all ages are using these devices.

If your website has not been optimised for mobile internet, we strongly advice that you consider it and make plans to have this work done. It will not involve a great deal of expense but the investment you put into it will give you a return in terms of the additional users that will be able to access and use your site.

Websites that are not mobile optimised can be difficult to read and in many cases, the links do not work. If you have a mobile device, try surfing some sites on it now. It won’t take you long to find a website that has not been optimised for the internet! Continue reading


We have noticed an increase in negative marketing tactics, and we’re not convinced they are a good thing. We don’t believe negativity is the best way to inspire a potential customer to buy your brand. There seems to be a growing trend online, to use negative press as a ‘stepping-stone’ toward tapping into a larger audience.

The logic behind this move, apparently, is to harness the traffic that is looking for the negative news, to re-direct them toward more positive statements. That makes some sense, and is a fairly logical approach when used within a reputation management context, especially after a problem. However, deliberately continuing to use that negative perception in order to attract visits or hits will only perpetuate the negativity, ultimately attaching that negative knowledge or belief to a brand for the rest of its existence.

Here is a fictional example based upon a real case study, where we were approached by a company that had used this negative approach to the detriment of its brand. Continue reading


Marketing on Facebook is known to be extremely successful. In addition to having a healthy FB page and regularly posting, you can create yourself a planned marketing strategy to deliver over a set period of time. This will raise the profile of your Facebook page and your website if you are clever.

Here are some great tips on how to create a good marketing plan for your social media activity on Facebook.

A marketing plan must be well timed, budgeted, and contain activity that creates a range of activities that cover a wide spectrum of media. Doing this for Facebook is not immediately obvious but here are some hints to help you. Continue reading


If you follow our blog and articles series, you will know that we talk a lot about content and its importance to SEO. One question we are often asked by clients is, “How often should I change and update my home page?” Here is what we recommend.

Your homepage, or landing page, is vital for many reasons. It is the front door and first impression you give to a new visitor. It is the first port of call for search engine spiders and it is the way you project and represent your brand to the world. It is also the best way of keeping activity on your website at a healthy level so the spiders continue to rank your website well.

We recommend you have a news feed or news update section on your home page so that a section of the content changes every few days. This keeps activity at a high level straight away. Continue reading


Yes! And it does not need to be expensive either.

So, now we have dispelled two huge internet myths, let’s look at PPC in a little more detail and find out how it really can help your business.

Pay per click is a way of using keyword led, paid for advertising space online. The beauty of it is you only pay for the clicks you get. The more clicks, the more you spend. You can set your budget to a set amount, and then once that level of clicks has been reached, you can stop or top it up. It gives businesses a huge amount of advertising and financial flexibility. It also means that if you start a PPC campaign and it is not producing the results you had hoped for, you can drop it or adjust the keywords to create a more fruitful result.

That’s why we love this form of marketing online. It is highly flexible and lets you gauge your levels of activity according to the response you are getting. Continue reading


Although Twitter is extremely popular with the very large brands, we are still hearing clients say they do not see the value of this particular social media platform. We are often asked whether Twitter is as effective for marketing commercial enterprises as we are all led to believe.

Well, you may be surprised by the answer we are about to give, but we think the answer is no. But let us qualify this first, by explaining what Twitter is really good for.

Twitter is an instant messenger of short messages that can be posted and responded to, in real time.

The art of using Twitter well is the art of knowing how to communicate in just a short amount of characters. Hashtags and links need to be used effectively too. Twitter is not a highly image driven site and so it does not lend itself to video, sound or photography, although all of this can be posted and shared on Twitter. Continue reading


This may seem like an obvious article to post on our blog, but we receive a large number of enquiries and one of the key questions our clients ask us is, ‘How do I know your services will be effective?’

It is an excellent question! And a fair one, especially since there seems to be an alarming number of less than reputable companies out there, all claiming to offer top class SEO services. We decided we would answer this question, as if we too were looking for a good SEO company. Here is what we think…

Finding a good SEO company is very like finding the services of any reputable company. It takes some time, and research and care. It also takes thought. In order to understand whether you are hiring the right people, you need to have an understanding of the service you are hiring, and we believe this is why so many businesses end up experiencing disappointment. Because there is still some ambiguity about SEO services, people tend to believe what they hear and fall for the jargon of certain companies that are trying to trick them out of their money. Continue reading

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