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Category Archives: Email marketing


We often share hints and tips on SEO and internet marketing tactics that reap great results. We thought it would be helpful to also share some of the marketing faux pas that we see regularly, but that simply do not work.

Buying likes and followers – This is regarded as cheating, and a black hat technique. And yet, there are still many companies that pay to have their following or likes on social media increased. It is not illegal for a company to offer services like this, but the customer could easily be realised if found out. And in our opinion, the risk to the good name of the brand is a price that is far too high to pay. Question any marketing service which offers you this type of service as a way to succeed online. They are not marketing professionals and do not understand how true SEO works. Continue reading


It appears to be. And yet we believe it is still a powerful way to communicate with customers. There is no doubt that the way emails are written, how they are designed and when they are sent is more important than ever before.

There seems to be a belief that emails are not as effective a method of communication as they once were. This is because of the backlash against spam in our in-boxes. We have all been annoyed by spam email from companies trying to sell something.

In order to avoid being dumped in the junk pile, you need to make sure your emails are crafted well, contain a real message and arrive in a timely fashion. Here are some simple tips to improve the impact of your emails. Continue reading

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