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Category Archives: Reputation management

Online Reputation management (ORM) is a vital part of running any business online. It is essential as a means for managing problems and preventing serious issues form escalating to the extent that they night harm or damage the band beyond recovery. Sadly, there are many tales of companies that have fallen prey to malicious attack from competitors or dissatisfied customers. Online, news can travel incredibly fast and this is especially true of bad news. If for any reason you think that you may need to implement strategies to prevent this type of damage from occurring to your business it is wise to engage a professional team to help you develop a Reputation management plan that can be delivered and used on an ongoing basis to prevent issues and to use in the event of a sudden problem or emergency. Problems can result in internet users spreading damaging information about a company. This can result in loss of customers, followers and revenue, all of which can be catastrophic for a company, especially a fairly new one that is trying to establish itself within a competitive market online. Continue reading
Yes! The answer to this question is a definite yes. Deals and offers that are genuine and provide the consumer with something additional for their money are always successful. The promotions and offers that are not successful tend to fall down as a result of a few things. Here are some things to avoid when you are developing your own promotional offers to boost sales and customers. Promotions should give customers something additional. This could be money off, a free item, or the chance to experience, win or own something. Whatever the addition is, it must be perceived as valuable by the customer or they may not take up the offer. Continue reading
Building a database of your customers is a great tool to use for your SEO activity. A database of qualified email leads is powerful because it gives you the means to continue your relationship with customers, encouraging them to engage with your website and social media, and to become loyal customers. This all adds to the natural traffic your urls are attracting, and it also helps to create back links and traffic between your site and their websites or social media pages. To build a database first you must make sure you understand the Data Protection requirements. You must give an individual the choice of not being included in your email listing. You must also make sure you will be storing and maintaining the database according to Data Protection regulations. This is extremely important. Ask for advice from a good SEO team, they will be able to help you. Always add your Data Protection policy to your website too, so that customers who wish to read it can easily do so. Continue reading
Getting to know our customers is the best way to effectively market and sell to them. This is well known in marketing circles. The more you know and understand your customer the easier it is to find them, attract them and engage with them. Google has become a master at helping us do this. While many people often object to the notion that Google follows our every move online, the fact is that as a marketing device, getting to know your audience is still the key method of successful marketing and consequent sales. Continue reading
You will have heard of Black Hat techniques. They are the less than honest ways some companies attempt to boost their rankings on the search engines. Here is a list of some of the most widely used and widely noticed black hat tactics you should always avoid. Unrelated keywords are a no-no. Using unrelated keywords to gather more hits is regarded as a black hat technique. Using celebrity names and brand names in a way that has no relevance to your content will only serve to diminish the perception of your company and the content you share. Keywords should only be chosen when they are relevant to your company and are what potential customers are searching for. Stuffing and stacking keywords is just another form of spamming. This is when keywords a repeated many times within the content in an unnatural way. Being repetitive with different combinations of the same words is also seen as stuffing. Don’t do it. The Google bots will spot it and your readers will not appreciate it. In the long run, it will not have the positive effect you were hoping for. Your content should have logical structure with proper paragraphs and sentences. Continue reading
LinkedIn has changed a lot recently. We thought it was worth sharing some tactics you can use to give your profile a boost on the site, and influence SEO. Making the most of LinkedIn will be good for your business, career, and your rankings. Use Pulse to follow the right people and influencers – in addition to accessing the latest news and information in your industry, following the right people and influencers on LinkedIn is another way to be seen in the right crowd. The influencers you follow will appear on your profile letting potential connections see your interests, passions, and motivations. You immediately look proactive and interested in what is going on in your world. Valid and intelligent comments have often turned into new connections and business opportunities on LinkedIn. The site has over 500 influencers to choose from and learn from so there is someone there for every industry. Share content! LinkedIn lets you share content now and there is no reason that you should be keeping quiet. Recently announced statistics revealed that there are still a large percentage of users who rarely use their accounts and only check them occasionally. LinkedIn is a business network that should be accessed and used regularly. Continue reading
We have noticed an increase in negative marketing tactics, and we’re not convinced they are a good thing. We don’t believe negativity is the best way to inspire a potential customer to buy your brand. There seems to be a growing trend online, to use negative press as a ‘stepping-stone’ toward tapping into a larger audience. The logic behind this move, apparently, is to harness the traffic that is looking for the negative news, to re-direct them toward more positive statements. That makes some sense, and is a fairly logical approach when used within a reputation management context, especially after a problem. However, deliberately continuing to use that negative perception in order to attract visits or hits will only perpetuate the negativity, ultimately attaching that negative knowledge or belief to a brand for the rest of its existence. Here is a fictional example based upon a real case study, where we were approached by a company that had used this negative approach to the detriment of its brand. Continue reading

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