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Blogging is still important.

by admin | in Blogging tips , Content Creation , Content Marketing , Internet Marketing , Marketing

There is no doubt that the nature of the blog has changed. It is no longer a free pass to publication and millions of followers. Every day another new blog is added to a website or to one of the many blogging platforms like Blogger or Tumblr. However blogs still have a powerful role in quality content creation, SEO and online marketing. Here’s how – Blogs help you carve a niche in your industry as an expert. They help you share your thoughts and ideas with your own audience in a way that gives them more information about you and your business. People still want to read articles and information and if they are written well they still have a place online. You can also use your blog to strengthen your brand and to share the types of work you do. Whatever your business, whatever industry you belong to, if your blog shares new information or a new perspective and lets your voice be heard, it is a powerful thing and will have a positive effect. It is simply not true that a blog is only worthwhile if it is read by thousands of followers. Even a blog article read by twenty new people will have an effect in terms of your SEO and how your company is perceived.  Even if you start a brand new blog at it seems as though you are talking to yourself, sharing the links and keeping it regular with more articles will slowly but surely grow a readership. And don’t forget, every time you share a blog post you are creating a quality back link to your website and blog. You can also consider inviting guest bloggers to write on your blog. In many cases they will bring their readership with them and you may pick up some new followers. It is also worth doing some guest blogging too. You will be surprised how many opportunities there are out there for you to work with other bloggers in a meaningful and fruitful way. Blogging is not a thing of the past. It gives you the chance to create high quality content articles, share images, news, information and theories that are pertinent to your business. Each article will contain keywords that will be picked up by the search engines. Each time your blog is shared it creates a back link and natural activity for your url. And every time you engage a new reader there is the potential that they will become a customer.

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