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Building up customer numbers

by admin | in Marketing , SEO , Social Media

Every business wants to know how to increase customers! It is the secret to steady turnover and healthy sales revenue. If there was a certain formula for it we would all be rich. However, there are some tried, tested and highly effective ways of building up the number of people you can call customers. And these same tactics are also very good for SEO so it is a great advantage if you can use them for your business. As you know, there are millions of people online, 24 hours per day. Even with all these people it can seem almost impossible to attract even one, but the truth is that they are out there and you can attract them to your products and services. Traditional marketing methods like adverts and PR will work but they have a relatively small response rate. However, the advantage of them is that they create quality backlinks and they also give your business kudos, which is important to build brand recognition. Social media is a brilliant way to build numbers quickly and engage new people. While they may not all become customers, you will gather a following and the more people know about you the more chance you will have of landing some sales too. Think about your image online. Make sure you website is well designed so that it can be seen on pcs laptops and mobile devices. The design should also be perfect for the brand, clean, contemporary and attractive. No clutter, not too text heavy and very professionals produced and written. Give new visitors to your site a clear path to follow into your website. They should have obvious and easily understood calls to action that direct people to your blog, to look at your products, to get in touch and of course, to buy form you! Keywords are vital because this is how you will be found by new people via a search online. When someone types in a certain search string your goal is to be the company that comes up in the list of results. Visibility, engagement, regularity, quality content, Image, branding, and professionalism will all work in unison to build up a healthy following of customers online, and it will also serve as a steady source of new customers as well as booting your SEO in the search engine results pages.

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