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Ways to achieve Good Rankings on Search Engines

Ways to achieve Good Rankings on Search Engines

by admin | in SEO

Building a good website is not everything; you need to perform comprehensive SEO to get good rankings and visibility across the web.

Here are a few effective and innovative SEO strategies:

Technical Optimisation

If you want to build a strong foundation for your site, you need to make it technically strong.  Of course, it is a time-consuming task, but can influence your ranking dramatically.


  • Make use of SEO-friendly URLs.
  • Add modifiers to titles.
  • Make good use of H1 and H2 tags.
  • Adopt responsive designs.
  • Use outbound links.
  • Improve site’s speed.
  • Use LSI technique.
  • Use social media buttons.
  • Optimise images across the website.

Design and User Experience

It is the least focused aspect. In fact, it should be an integral part of your overall design process.  Online users expect websites to perform effortlessly.  That is why, it is essential to focus on:

  • Designing a website according to your business objectives.
  • Hiring experienced digital designers and developers.
  • Using high-quality design tools and proven techniques.
  • Researching, designing and testing web designs.
  • Improving the quality and speed of output.
  • Understanding and adopting Waterfall and Agile development model.
  • Content management system.
  • Use
  • Information architecture and graphic design.
  • Creating good navigation to help users.

Quality Content

Quality content is the keystone of an effective SEO strategy.  However, it is a fact that creating relevant and qualitative content is the most difficult part of SEO.


  • Use social media to see what is trending.
  • Choose a subject/topic close to your customer (problems, needs, challenges, etc.)
  • Focus on keywords your audience is using.
  • Write attractive headlines.
  • Focus on infographic and video content.
  • Write short and to-the-point sentences.
  • Ensure your content is grammatically correct.
  • Plan, draft, revise, edit and distribute content.
  • Invest your time and money in creating valuable content.
  • Share content across social media channels.
  • Follow grammar rules and styles.
  • Set goals and measure results.

Link Building Techniques

It is a well-established fact that link building is an essential part of SEO. There are many techniques to achieve quality links for a website.


  • Business listings.
  • Local marketing.
  • Writing testimonials, ebooks, tutorials, etc.

Use these effective and innovative SEO strategies  to improve your bottom line.

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