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Use Social Media Marketing Strategies to Extend Your Reach

by admin | in SEO

  • Looking for better social media marketing tools and techniques?
  • Do you want to build your brand through social media marketing?
  • Do you want to boost your business and measure results?
  • Do you want to use trending social media sites?
Businesses need to learn the rule of social media marketing to improve their competitive edge. They need to explore the latest ways to market on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc. as well as to improve their visibility and reach. Here are a few social media marketing strategies for them: Statistics:
  • Nearly 2.1 billion people have social media accounts.
  • There are around 1.65 billion active mobile social accounts.
  • There are nearly 1.4 billion Facebook users.
Social media marketing can help businesses to:
  • Generate leads
  • Build brand
  • Influence customers
So, use of right tools and right techniques of social media marketing is key to success. Have a feasible plan Most businesses fail to achieve success on social media because they do not have a feasible plan of action. Generally, businesses use greater number of social media platforms for brand visibility and traffic. Post regularly For great result, you should follow a posting schedule so that you can publish your content regularly. Tips:
  • Post your content regularly.
  • Post according to the platform’s guidelines.
  • Listen to your fans and followers.
  • Analyse the performance and extent of your posts.
Share relevant content You should always share content, quotes, news and other details relevant to your business. They should be interesting and useful for your users. Tips:
  • Never post blindly.
  • Post according to the interest and preference of your audiences.
Use social media management tools Use high quality social media management tools to manage multiple accounts and post regularly. This will also help you to streamline your operations. Tips:
  • Track and measure results.
  • Use dashboard to monitor trending topics.
Post images Good number of images, videos, infographics and presentations improves readability as well as make your posts viral amongst fans and followers. Tips:
  • Use greater number of images, if you are using Pinterest and Instagram.
  • Post your company’s images.
  • Post upcoming events, company related news and achievements.
Use A/B testing Use A/B testing to check and improve your titles, descriptions, call-to-actions and images. This will help you to improve your business’s visibility. Measure and analyse Statistics:
  • According to, over 40% of businesses don’t track their social media ROI.
It is important to measure your social media marketing efforts and analyse results. This will help you to measure your post’s rate of engagement. Tips:
  • Analyse impressions and engagement on Pinterest.
  • Monitor Likes and comments on Instagram.
Interact more For better communication, interact with your fans and followers on a regular basis. Answer their queries and engage them. Tips:
  • Watch your competitors.
  • Try to monitor their most popular posts.
  • Share discount codes with your followers.
  • Use keywords in your posts.
  • Never create promotional posts.
These strategies will help you to improve your presence across all social media channels.

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