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Update your website regularly to keep the Googlebots interested.

by admin | in Content Creation , Content Marketing , Internet Marketing , SEO

How often do you change your website content? If your website has not been updated or changed since the day it was built, you need to seriously dedicate some time to it, today! As far as the Google bots are concerned, they are looking for websites with regular activity, clear and regular indications of two way communication, and natural traffic flows. If you are not updating your site and constantly attracting people to it, the bots will not pay as much attention to it and your rankings will not go up. There is no point having a beautiful website, if no one is visiting it. And why would your customers visit your website if you do not give it the daily and weekly attention it deserves? A company website is a reflection of that company’s brand, objectives and ethos. It should be a true reflection of the dynamic, hardworking nature of the business, not a static, dusty old virtual brochure. Today, the internet moves extremely quickly and as a result we need to make sure our content does too. Information posted online can look out of date within days. As the company owner or content creator, your job is to make the content relevant and engaging so that visitors continue to visit and connect. Create content that is varied and covers a variety of topics within your area of specialism. Use all the platforms you have access to, to share, post and spread your content around the internet as much as possible. This can include social media, guest blogs and articles. And of course, part of your content plan should always be regular additions and updates to your website. Check your website regularly to make sure all the links are working and everything is running smoothly. It is also important to check any comment that have been posted, so you can respond appropriately. Ignoring your website is the same as ignoring your customers. Add a blog feed to your website so that it is easy to post the latest news, and easy for your readers to find it. Don’t forget to use images and video as often as possible to create a variety within your articles. Engage your viewers by inviting their feedback, responses and contributions. This kind of two way communication will build the traffic on your site, and can create an excellent flow of regular activity to boost your own updates. If you keep up with the regular updates and activity on your website, you will see marked improvement in the number of visits your website is getting and your ranking will start to climb up. As a result, you will also see some results in sales revenue too.

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