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SEO Techniques to Improve a Website’s Growth

by admin | in SEO

Search Engine Optimisation is a broad term that encompasses all the processes you use to ensure the visibility of your site. Of course, methods vary according to the nature of website, but the technical practices remain the same. Here are a few SEO techniques to improve a website’s growth: Create a sitemap What is a Sitemap? According to Google, a sitemap is a file where you can list the web pages of your site to tell Google and other search engines about the organisation/structure of your website’s content. Why sitemaps are important? Sitemaps help your users as well as search engines to scan your website efficiently. It is essential to have a sitemap on a website because it is helpful in attracting crawlers and improving the site’s overall visibility. Types of sitemaps There are two types of sitemaps: XML and HTML. Tips: Understand HTTP vs. HTTPS In today’s scenario, it is essential to make your website safe and secure. One of the best ways to make a website secure is using HTTPS instead of HTTP. Advantages of using HTTPS: Optimise your website Optimisation has its own advantages. It helps a website to improve its rankings across the web and attracts the maximum number of users. It must be noted that search engines always look for:
  • Fresh content (does your website has relevant and fresh content)
  • Performance of a website (in terms of speed)
  • Authority
  • User experience (does your website improves the browsing experience of users)
  • Always use the right keywords.
  • Include keywords in title tag.
  • Write unique, helpful, actionable and relevant content on every page.
  • Build qualitative backlinks.
  • Create and optimise landing pages.
  • Use on-site survey and testing tools.
  • Use analytics tool to monitor progress.
Bonus tips for SEO professionals:
  • Optimise your non-text content.
  • Never ignore title tags and meta descriptions.
  • Avoid keyword stuffing.
  • Understand your business model and industry norms.
  • Use both online and off line promotion techniques.
  • Create and optimise rich media content like video,
  • Simplify site’s navigation structure and use breadcrumbs.
  • Update your website at regular intervals as it improves the performance of your website.
So, use the above mentioned techniques to ensure your website’s growth.

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