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Quick SEO Tips: Convert More Visitors

by admin | in Content Creation , Content Marketing , SEO

This week’s Quick SEO tip addresses a question most website owners will ask – How can I convert more visitors? It’s a great question! Converting visitors to your site is what turns new visitors to a site into paying customers. Here’s our tip: If you have an SEO optimised site, you will already have optimised every page to be crawlable, making it a potential landing page for any user who finds you via a search engine. But of all the pages on your website, how many of them are designed to convert visits in to sales? Go to your metrics and identify the pages that are attracting the most visits to your website. Now you have these pages, ask yourself some specific questions – Does the page adequately present your brand to the visitor? The page should give the visitor your brand name, what you are selling and show them exactly how to buy it. This can be achieved with simple call to action buttons, images and well worded content. Can a visitor find the right information on your site? If a visitor lands on a page within your website, there is no guarantee that they will understand your brand, or be aware of any specific offers they may be attracted to. Don’t presume they will browse around to find and take advantage of your special offers. You need to set your stall out, right in front of them, straight away. Is your site easy to navigate? A well labelled and easy to follow nav bar for the whole site should be visible from any page on the website. This may sound obvious, but you would be surprised how many websites fail in this area. You cannot rely on a brand new visitor to click through many pages to find what they are looking for. You must make it simple. Becoming your customer should be as easy as clicking on one link. Does the content make them want to buy? Without blasting a visitor with pushy and off-putting sales pitches, your content should make them want to buy what you are selling. Engage them, entice them and attract them. Are the choices you are presenting easy or complicated? If the process of becoming your customer is complicated, long winded or ambiguous, you will lose a new visitor very quickly. If you have big bounce rates on high volume pages then you need to consider making the process of becoming a customer much easier, and more obvious to the user. Re-vamp your content so you are giving clear information, and almost guiding the visitor towards your shopping basket! Improve all the pages that are attracting large numbers of visitors but have a high bounce rate. Redevelop the content and you will improve the length of their stay and boost your sales. Take the necessary steps to make their transition from visitor - to lead - to customer, as easy and quick as possible.

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