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Powerful Data Analytics Tools

by admin | in SEO

When it comes to analysing and interpreting data there are many tools that offer exact insight into data and help business owners to take meaningful decisions. Here are a few powerful web data analytics tools: Clicky Clicky is one of the most versatile and user-friendly web analytics tools. It is designed to offer real-time traffic data of a site. Its dashboard is intuitive and provides invaluable insights. Advantages of using Clicky:
  • Its features are incredible and help to take immediate actions.
  • It provides real-time data.
  • This data tracking tool is easy to install and study.
  • It has a specific plugin for wordpress.
  • It allows you to monitor twitter tags, keywords and retweets.
  • It also allows you to perform split-testing as well as A/B Testing.
  • Clicky also shows your website’s current ranking.
KISSmetrics This powerful web analytics tool provides complete information about user engagement and behaviour of users. Features of Kissmetrics:
  • Real-time tracking
  • Behavioural comparison
  • Funnel report
  • Cohort report
  • Design editor
  • Revenue report
  • Provides vital insight into your revenue data.
  • Helps to perform Cohort Reporting (According to Wikipedia, Cohort analysis is a subset of behavioral analytics that takes data from a given dataset and rather than looking at all users as one unit, it breaks them into related groups for analysis.)
  • Helps to identify strengths and weaknesses of a website.
  • Helps to perform A/B Testing (According to vwo, A/B testing (sometimes called split testing) is  a comparison two versions of a web page to see which one performs better.)
  • Allows you to split test different layouts and funnels of a website.
  • Helps to monitor visitor’s activities in real time.
Chartbeat This analytics tool helps you to measure as well as improve the quality of web content. It offers actionable insights on how to improve web page layouts, attract new visitors, extend social reach, etc. Features of Chartbeat:
  • Real-time audience attention data
  • Content analytics (According to searchcontentmanagement, content analytics is the act of applying business intelligence and business analytics practices to digital content.)
  • Editorial reporting
  • Multivariate headline testing (According to optimizely, The goal of multivariate testing is to determine which combination of variations performs the best out of all of the possible combinations.)
  • Historical report building
  • API available for use
  • Multi-platform tracking
Inspectlet This tool records videos of your visitors as they use your website, allowing you to see everything they do/perform. It is also helpful in seeing the mouse movements, scrolling, and clicking on your website. Features of Inspectlet:
  • Session Recording and Visitor Playback
  • Mobile Recording and Tracking
  • Eye-Tracking Heatmaps (according to Wikipedia, a heat map (or heatmap) is a graphical representation of data where the individual values contained in a matrix are represented as colors.)
  • Powerful Conversion Funnel Analysis
  • AJAX and Single Page App Support
All the above mentioned data analytics tools are worth trying. Use them to empower your online business.

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