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Online Marketing Strategies to Gain Prominence

Online Marketing Strategies to Gain Prominence

by admin | in SEO

In a competitive digital marketing landscape, online businesses need to make sure that their online marketing strategies help them to attain their objectives. Here are a few online marketing strategies that can help businesses to improve their bottom line.

Focus on Structured Data

It is important to use Structured Data so that Google can categorise as well as index your website in a better way.

Tips -

  • Use Rich Cards or Structured Data report.
  • Use the Fetch as Google tool.
  • Always follow the structured data guidelines.
  • Use the Structured Data Testing Tool.

Study HTML Improvements

You should regularly study and analyse Google Search Console for HTML improvements. It will help you to identify duplicate/long/short meta descriptions, missing/duplicate/long/short title tags and more.

Tips -

  • Make sure titles are up to 70 characters long.
  • Make sure descriptions have 160-165 characters.
  • Study robots.txt or .htaccess files and test them.

Do not ignore Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)

It is a technique that helps to build fast-loading HTML and JS pages. The basic idea is to make web pages render quickly on mobile devices.

Tips -

  • Convert regular HTML into AMP HTML.
  • Make sure AMP page follows the AMP HTML specifications.
  • Study
  • Create AMP pages with responsive design.

Study Search Analytics Report

It helps you to know total number of impressions per keyword.

Tips -

  • Identify low performing keywords.
  • Know click-through ratio to keywords.

Links to your website

If you want to enhance your SEO and take it to the next level, focus on websites that link to your URLs.

Tips -

  • Identify suspicious backlinks and remove them.
  • Increase the number and quality of backlinks.
  • Focus on building internal links.


A sitemap.xml is an important part of SEO. It helps search engines to crawl and index your website’s URLs efficiently.


  • Submit a sitemap to Search Console.
  • Use to create a sitemap.
  • Keep your sitemap.xml updated.
  • Remove dead URLs from the sitemap.xml.

Bonus tips-

  • Create and optimise robots.txt files.
  • Write original content and share it on StumbleUpon, Reddit and Medium.
  • Wisely use Videos, Infographics, How tos/tutorials, etc.
  • Use Quora, Slideshare,, BlogEngage, etc. to make your website popular.

So, use these online marketing strategies to gain prominence.

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