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Google Panda Part 1

by admin

Dealing with the Google Panda update is easier than you might expect. First, it is helpful to understand what this particular Google algorithm is attempting to achieve. Its sole purpose is to eradicate low quality content from the internet and raise the levels of quality content across the board. It is fighting against spam and other black hat SEO techniques that have littered the internet with trash in recent years. While there may be many people who sigh and complain about having to make further changes to their online offerings, the fact remains, Google Panda is actually using its powers to improve the quality of the internet. This article shares some tips on how you can deal with it. If your website is loaded with pages of low quality meaningless text, affiliate marketing adverts, clashing colours, animations, keywords stuffing, and endless lists of products, it will be targeted by the Panda as continuing to output low quality content. And to be brutally honest, if your website resembles any aspect of this list, it is low quality. It probably also has a high bounce rate and invariably will struggle to keep new visitors or attract them in the first place. Good websites are those that have well developed meaningful and additional content. They are the sites that clearly demonstrate they are engaging with their audience through social media, blogs, newsfeeds, and so on. If you want to make your site Panda proof, here’s what you should do, and not do. Don’t publish any content just for the sake of it. Spamming articles just to create back-links is a huge no-no. All it will do is reflect badly on the back-links you are trying to create. Good quality articles which share new and additional information or which provide valuable insights to your audience are good. If you want to write article, do it well and on a regular and naturally occurring basis. Do not be tempted into any kind of automated back-link generation. Use every tool available to you to attract real people to engage with you online. This can be done using social media log in, encouraging comments, and by clever promotional and marketing techniques. If you are unsure about how to achieve this, or what techniques to use, hire a reputable internet agency or professional content and communications expert to help you. The focus of Panda is to improve the content, but there is another aspect to it that is not often considered. It actually does help improve sales, and here’s how. Many companies online will have a website, ‘because they have to’! But many companies will say they get very little business through their websites, so why bother worrying about all these updates? The truth is that even a successful business can gather even more interest and sales if their website is functioning as it should.

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