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Easy Online Marketing Techniques to Get More Leads

Easy Online Marketing Techniques to Get More Leads

by admin | in SEO

There are certain online marketing techniques which can help a website cope with the changing trends and generate leads.

Here are a few proven online marketing techniques:

Website audit

If your website is having trouble in achieving rankings, and you’re not sure why?  Conduct an SEO audit.

For that, you should:

  • Identify your site’s strengths
  • Identify on-page and off-page factors affecting rankings
  • Resolve certain critical issues, such as;
  1. Duplicate content
  2. Broken links
  3. Similar title tags
  4. Duplicate meta descriptions
  5. HTML errors
  6. Browser and resolution compatibility
  7. Mobile friendliness
  8. Server errors
  9. AMP page errors
  10. CSS errors
  11. 301 redirection errors
  12. Sitemap errors, etc.


PPC (Pay-Per-Click) advertising is the most reliable form of advertising. According to Wikipedia, Pay-per-click (PPC), also known as cost per click (CPC), is an internet advertising model used to direct traffic to websites,   an advertiser pays for  (typically a website owner or a network of websites) when the ad is clicked.

You can include paid advertising in your online marketing arsenal to gain traffic.  For that, you should focus on:

  • Call to action strategy
  • Custom audience combinations
  • Mobile & tablet targeting
  • Geo targeting


  • You pay only when an interested person clicks.
  • You can set your budget.
  • You can reach your target consumer at the right time.
  • Helps to drive instant traffic and conversions.
  • Helps to boost brand’s visibility.


Most of the online companies are embracing visual elements.  An infographic can easily go viral and can significantly increase your brand’s reach.

For that, you should:

  • Hire a data visualisation expert
  • Formulate a strategy to promote your infographics
  • Create engaging,  informative and beautiful infographics

Creating an Infographic often includes:

  • Industry research
  • Topic research
  • Data analysis and integration
  • Prototyping and promotion

Here are a few Infographic Submission Directories:

  • Slideshare
  • Infographics Archive
  • Infographics Showcase
  • Reddit
  • Cool Infographics
  • Daily Infographic

Social promotion strategy includes:

  • Facebook promotion
  • Twitter promotion
  • Reddit promotion
  • LinkedIn promotion
  • Digg promotion
  • StumbleUpon promotion
  • Google+ promotion
  • Blog post writing
  • Social media marketing

Infographic helps to boost:

  • Brand awareness
  • Traffic and leads
  • ROI

Website Maintenance

This is the most ignored part of online marketing, which hampers the rankings. That is why, it is essential to keep the website up-to-date.  Website Maintenance is a complex process and often involves:

  • Addition and deletion of text and images
  • Basic navigational changes
  • Insertion and deletion of videos
  • Manipulation of links
  • Colour manipulation
  • Form updates
  • Image compression
  • Resolution and compatibility updates
  • Addition and deletion of web pages
  • Minor or major redesigns, etc.

So, follow the above mentioned online marketing techniques to gain rankings.

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