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Customer Relationship Management Tools To Empower Businesses

Customer Relationship Management Tools To Empower Businesses

by admin | in SEO

In today’s cut-throat competitive environment, it is essential to keep track of your clients.  That is why, a customer relationship management tool is important. Customer relationship management tools improve the overall productivity, visibility, revenue, brand image, etc.

According to a study, nearly 9 out of 10 business leaders acknowledge that improving customers’ experience is fundamental to their future success and brand reputation.

Here are a few popular customer relationship management tools:

Zoho CRM

This is the most effective and powerful CRM tool that helps businesses to manage sales, marketing, customer support, inventory management and much more in a single business system.

Features of Zoho CRM

  • Call Centre Management
  • Campaign Management
  • Email Marketing
  • Contact Management
  • Comprehensive Customer Support
  • Document Management
  • Project Management
  • Referral Tracking
  • Survey Management

Benefits of using Zoho CRM

  • Generates more sales with automation features.
  • Streamlines work flow
  • Simplifies business operations
  • Sales force automation
  • Extensive integration facilities
  • 360 degree view of business
  • Organisational-level data sharing
  • Minimises cost on customer acquisition
  • High rate of customer retention
  • Boosts business performance

Freshdesk (cloud based customer support solution)

This is the most versatile CRM tool that streamlines information between your sales and customer support department. It helps businesses to have better deals, and also provides a clear picture of revenues.

Features of Freshdesk

  • Contact Management
  • Call Centre Management
  • Customer Support

Benefits of using Freshdesk

  • Tailor made
  • Cost effective and easy to use
  • Helps to measure customer satisfaction
  • Fast and smart automation to save your time
  • Multi-language support
  • Integrated game mechanics to motivate your agents


This is a compelling and meaningful relationship management platform that helps to build better relationships across all social channels. This platform is good for both small and medium sized businesses.

Features of Nimble

  • Automatic contact import
  • Sales pipeline monitoring & reporting
  • Task assignment
  • Calendar & event scheduler
  • Combined-channel inbox and fast Integration
  • Smart contacts applications

Benefits of using Nimble

  • Provides real-time monitoring across all networks
  • Smart management of contacts
  • Helps to find and engage targeted leads.


This CRM platform helps businesses to transform their customers’ experience and enable highly personalised interactions.

Features of SugarCRM

  • Call Center Management and Contact Management
  • Campaign Management
  • Customer Support
  • Document Management
  • Email Marketing and Interaction Tracking

Benefits of using SugarCRM

  • Improves sales
  • Captures leads directly into the CRM system
  • Helps to track and share contacts
  • Helps to develop email marketing programs
  • Measures return on investment of campaigns


This is popular client relationship management software that features +20 free CRM tools. It is available in cloud and on premise with source code, CMS as well as API included.

Features of Bitrix24

  • Built-in CRM with reports, funnels, billing & invoicing
  • File sharing and versioning
  • CRM, document, HR & financial work flows
  • Instant messaging

Benefits of using SugarCRM

  • Provides communications and collaboration
  • Helps to store, search, share and discuss documents
  • Helps to manage external communications via CRM

Digital automation is rapidly advancing and if you’re not moving with the tide, you may lose the battle. So, embrace these efficient CRM tools to stay ahead and shine.

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