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7 Robust Lead Generation Tools for Online Marketers

by admin | in SEO

According to Marketo, lead generation is the process of stimulating and capturing interest in a product or service for the purpose of developing sales pipeline.  Lead generation requires consistent efforts, planning, monitoring, and adjustment of marketing strategies

Here are a few robust lead generation tools to use:


It is a smart tool designed to create lead generation forms for better conversions. As a marketer, you should use it to create intelligent & interactive forms.


  • Built-in analytics and audience insights
  • Easy to use and integrate


  • No coding required
  • Increases conversions
  • Improves ROI
  • Improves lead quality

Intercom Acquire

It allows you to communicate directly with leads/visitors. It is helpful in collecting customer’s feedback.


  • Provides extensive knowledge base.
  • Creates, organise and publish articles.


  • Helps to manage conversation with leads
  • Helps to send targeted messages to improve engagement
  • Improves marketing and sales

Lead Forensics

This powerful lead generation software identifies leads in real time. It helps you to collect insightful information such as business name, contact information, demographics, search behaviour, financial data and much more.


  • Triggers instant notifications
  • Flags your ‘dream’ customers
  • Tailors your portal


  • Maximises sales and ROI
  • Converts anonymous traffic into leads
  • Empowers CRM
  • Provides data-rich intelligence

Active Campaign

If you are using email marketing, you should use Active Campaign to fine tune the performance of email marketing. It not only empowers email marketing campaigns, but also fosters business CRM.


  • Automates marketing
  • Easy to use interface
  • Mobile friendly


  • Manages and grows your contacts
  • Helps in targeted campaigns
  • Helps to monitor marketing campaigns

LinkedIn Sales Navigator

If you’re into sales and marketing, LinkedIn’s Sales Navigator is an effective lead capturing tool.


  • Provides relevant insights on leads.
  • Improves your business reach.


It is a perfect tracking and predictive analytics tool. It helps you to identify and analyse the technologies used by your competitors.

Benefits -

  • Helps to find the right contact and send them to your CRM.
  • Helps to improve sales.


It is a great customer research tool with incredible features. It allows you to communicate with those who visit  your site.

Benefits -

  • Helps to generate leads.
  • Helps to gain qualitative users’ information.

So, use these lead generation tools to grow and maximise the performance of your business.

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