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5 Simple Ways to improve the Quality of Website Traffic

by admin | in SEO

Marketers understand the importance of voluminous traffic. However, mere quantity of traffic is not important, quality of traffic is also essential to achieve success.

Here are a few ways to improve the quality of website traffic:

Study metrics

If you are a marketer, you need to understand certain essential metrics such as bounce rates, goal conversion rates, landing page conversion rates, click-through rates, customer lifetime values and more. It will help you to adjust and refine your online marketing strategies accordingly.

Use SEO tools

  • BuzzStream – It is web-based software that helps you to build links and buzz.
  • Authoritylabs – It helps you to check keyword rankings.
  • Brokenlinkcheck – It is a free online web-site validator / integrity checker / problem detection tool. It helps you to check broken and dead links.
  • Cyfe – It is a powerful tool that tracks your entire business in real-time.
  • Deepcrawl – It is a famous tool that helps you to analyse your site’s architecture.

Streamline navigation

If users are leaving your website, something is wrong somewhere. That is why, it is essential to target the most basic element first – navigation. If your website has poor navigation structure or dead ends, users tend to fly. Hence, it is important to streamline the overall navigation structure of your website.

Tips -

  • Use breadcrumbs
  • Clearly showcase path
  • Keep sidebars separate
  • Use categories and sub folders
  • Use banners to enhance navigation pages

Website design

As a marketer, you need to strike the right balance between technology-centred and user-centred design to gain maximum benefits.

Tips -

  • Follow standard web design practices.
  • Use contextual links for navigation.
  • Choose clear and consistent layout.
  • Use clearly identifiable buttons for search and site menus.

Work out on your Social Strategy

A good social media marketing strategy is based around business objectives. So, define social media objectives, create value added content and use the most suitable social channel.


  • Share meaningful content on social channels.
  • Share videos through YouTube, Instagram and/or Facebook.
  • Encourage comments.

The morale of the story is simple. You must focus on achieving high quality traffic to improve the overall conversion capacity of a website.

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